Phoenix West Trunks

Phoenix West Small or Large Horse Tack Trunk Stand Phoenix West Trunk Stands, trunk dollies, are perfect for elevating your custom tack trunk off of the ground to protect from water, dirt and rot. The aluminum tack trunk stand is powder coated in black. These all fit large Warners and Phoenix West custom tack trunks. Large Trunk Stand dimensions are 31 1/2" x 10 1/4"LD Small Trunk Stand.
Phoenix west trunks. Phoenix West Tack Trunks. Made in California these trunks are available in walnut, cherry, ebony finished wood or in custom vinyl panels that match your set up. Standard features are a wood grooming tote and removable tray. All trunks are made with your choice of stainless steel or brass trim. serves the competitive riders with our top brands and stand by our manufacturer who is well known, Phoenix West, for over 40 years, our relationship, the durability of our top-rated tack boxes. We help fix older trunks to look new, including storage trunks, wooden trunks and decorative trunks, and we are happy to help you with your show barn logo design or coordinate an award. Tack Trunks of fine wood, custom vinyl tack trunks, and stable equipment by Phoenix West. We offer the full assortment of custom vinyl tack trunk, wood Tack Trunks, stable equipment, and trunk hardware. We now accept Paypal. Below are the standard size for the Phoenix West tack boxes, saddle racks, bridle racks, mounting blocks, grooming box, and stall guards. Additionally, the logo size area is mentioned for reference which is handy to know when designing your show barn equipment. Box Logo Height Logo Width (Max...
Phoenix West Tack Trunks Custom Small Trunk Tack Room For Sale on eBay For Sale on Amazon Manufacturer: Phoenix West Tack Trunks (View all products by Phoenix) Model: Custom Small Trunk (View all Custom Small Trunk reviews) Category: Tack Room Purchase: I got mine as a gift after finding the one i wanted for 650 dollars. Likes: The quality is superb, i can fit everything i want in it, it is. Tack Trunks and Stable Equipment by Phoneix West. Tack Trunks by Phoenix West features beautiful quality and Made in America. Wood tack trunks, custom vinyl tack trunk, and stable equipment. From custom Stall Guard, tack trunk, and trunk hardware this equipment has become the Tradition of all equestrian barns. Phoenix West Trunks. Phoenix West at Dover Saddlery. Sign up for our email: Get the latest information on special offers, sales, events and more.
We have Phoenix West trunks 20 plus years still looking great. Before I get flamed for how shallow the H/J world is, show set ups are important as a marketing tool etc for many of the trainers and they want to present themselves professionally and so the matching trunks will generally be at the front of the barn. Shop Phoenix West Tack Trunks at Mary's Tack, including custom tack trunks, covers & stands with expert assistance. The Phoenix West Heritage Tack Trunk is made with the finest hardwoods and birch plywood. They apply 3 coats of marine grade finish inside and out. The Phoenix West Heritage Tack Trunk is the best wood trunk available! Choose a walnut or cherry finish and brass or chrome hardware. Phoenix West Heritage Medium Tack Trunk w/ Brass Trim at The Tack Room Online - Phoenix West Medium Tack Trunk with Brass TrimNOTE: This item does not qualify for free freight. Due to this item's size, a charge of $100.00 will be applied at checkout. This is an estimate and shipping cost may differ. Please call to confirm shipping cost. If shipping charges are different, cost will be adjusted.
Phoenix West. Narrow Results. Category. Horse Care Horse Grooming Jumps & Arena Equipment Stable Supplies Stall Supplies Tack Racks & Hardware Tack Trunks Brand. Dover Hardwood Trunks Phoenix West Price. $50 & Under $50 - $100 $100 - $200 $200 - $300 $300 - $400 $400 - $500 $500 - $1000 $1000 - $3000 550CB Trunk Medium Classic Brass: 159 Large Trunk Stand: 602 Stacked Stand These beautiful replacement trunk panels and replacement top are completely customizable and are the perfect solution for those looking to upgrade or change the look of their Phoenix West Trunk. Please Note: When Ordering the Front and Side Panel Package, please select the Front Panel when selecting customization options and the side panels. Phoenix West Heritage Tack Trunk. The Heritage Tack Trunk from Phoenix West is a beautiful, roomy, practical wooden trunk to store your tack at the barn and horse shows. Available in Cherry or Walnut finish, these classic tack trunks from Phoenix West are crafted with a combination of hardwoods and top quality Birch plywood.
Home > ARENA and STABLE SUPPLIES > Phoenix West Tack Trunks & Vinyl Show Equipment Welcome to AV Tack, We Are an Online and Retail Horse Tack Store in Evansville, Wyoming, Serving Casper, Mills, Glenrock, Douglas, and Shipping around the World. Phoenix West Tack Trunk is rated 5.0 out of 5 by 8. Rated 5 out of 5 by Wlawlor from Great trunk Quality truck that I can enjoy for years to come. Love that I had so many options for customazation Built to last, Phoenix West trunks are made in California with a selections of wood finishes or with custom vinyl panels to match your barn colors. Medium Trunks start at $1085.00 (price increases depending upon customizations) and come with a wood grooming tote and removable tray. From Stall Guards to Valet Trunks, this equipment has become the Tradition. Artists and craftsmen with years of experience and pride produce traditional vinyl products with your custom logos and colors. To outfit a complete stable, or add additional pieces to the client’s current collection. 312VC
Phoenix West Tack Trunks. Made in California these trunks are available in walnut, cherry, or ebony finished wood or in custom vinyl panels that match your set up over the wood boxes. Upright Trunk. Available in the same finishes as the trunks, this upright box can be designed for many uses.