P 47

The P-47 was affectionately nicknamed "the Jug" (short for "juggernaut"), perhaps a nod to its beefy, thick-bodied fuselage. Compared to a svelte five-ton P-51 Mustang or a three-ton Spitfire, the.
P 47. P-47, fighter and fighter-bomber used by the Allied air forces during World War II. A single-seat low-wing fighter developed for the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) by Republic Aviation, it was the largest single-engined piston fighter ever produced. The P-47 originated with a June 1940 proposal by P-47G-5-CU, similar to the P-47D-1-RE but with minor changes. 60 built. P-47G-10-CU, identical to the P-47D-5-RE. 80 built. P-47G-15-CU, identical to the P-47D-10-RE. 154 built. TP-47G "Doublebolt", two P-47G-15-CUs were modified on the production line as prototypes for a trainer variant of the P-47. A second cockpit was added in front of the. A P-47 wing in its fixture at the Evansville, Indiana Republic factory. Photo courtesy Harold Morgan. (image via AirCorps Aviation) Update. Restoration milestones attained this month were the installation of two different tanks. The water injection system came closer to completion with the installation of the water injection tank. The Republic P-47 was the successor of a line of airplanes derived from the Seversky P-35, the XP-41, P-43 Lancer and XP-44 Rocket.The P-47 design team headed by Alexander Kartveli, Republic Aircraft Corporation's chief engineer, originally presented a design that was to be powered by a 1,150 hp Allison V-1710-39 engine with an armament of only two 0.50 caliber inch machine guns. 1 A contract.
The result was the P-47 Thunderbolt, a big single-seat fighter powered by a 2,300-horsepower Pratt & Whitney radial engine, with a top speed of 428 miles an hour, a range of 1,000 miles, and a. P-47 Thunderbolt in Action, by Larry Davis, Squadron/Signal Publications (#67), 1984. Typical nice, detailed, somewhat untidy Squadron/Signal book, very good value for the price, and was the primary source for this document. American Warplanes of the Second World War, edited by David Donald, Airtime Publications, 1995. The P-47 Thunderbolt was designed by Alexander Kartveli, a man of Georgian descent. It was to replace the Seversky P-35 developed earlier by a Russian immigrant named Alexander P. de Seversky. Both had fled from their homeland, Tbilisi, in Georgia to escape the Bolsheviks. In 1939, Republic Aviation designed the AP-4 demonstrator powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-1830 radial engine with a belly. Рипаблик P-47 «Тандерболт» (англ. Republic P-47 Thunderbolt) — истребитель-бомбардировщик времен Второй мировой войны, производившийся с 1941 по 1945 годы, самый крупный одномоторный истребитель тех времён..
The Republic P-47 ‘Razorback’ Thunderbolt was an outstanding fighter, both in the bomber escort and ground-attack roles. It was the largest and heaviest single-engined fighter built during WW2.It was the last in a series of aircraft that began in 1936 with the Seversky P-35 and included the P-43 Lancer in 1940. The P-47 was a popular plane with pilots. Not only was it capable of absorbing staggering amounts of punishment, the cockpit was roomy and comfortable. Some fliers likened the aircraft’s seat to a lounge chair. Plus, the bubble canopy, which was added to D-model variants, afforded aviators enhanced visibility. The plane’s safety record was. "P-47" is a shooting game released by JALECO in 1988. Use machine guns and special weapons to defeat the enemy troops attacking from the land, sea, and air. The P-47 was a giant, massive weapon; the English fighter was lithe and rapid, with the agility to dart in and out of battle. The RAF pilots warned the Americans that their huge Thunderbolts would be sitting ducks against the Messerschmitts and Focke Wulfs. They were wrong. The tough Thunderbolts more than held their own against the Luftwaffe.
The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was an American fighter aircraft.From the first prototype produced in 1941, 15,686 P-47s were produced, the last of which was accepted by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) from Republic Aviation' Evansville, Indiana factory. The P-51’s superiority was particularly evident above 20,000 feet (6,000 metres). By March 1944, P-51s were available in quantity and, in combination with drop tank-equipped P-47 Thunderbolts and P-38s, had taken the Luftwaffe’s measure in the daylight skies over Germany. The P-47 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang fought side-by-side with the Allies in World War II. They even divided the job of kicking Axis ass between them by the end of the war. The Mustang became known as an escort fighter, while the Thunderbolt took more of a role as a fighter-bomber. That said, ho... Designed by Alexander Kartveli, the P-47 was to play a major role in World War II and be built in greater numbers than any other U.S. fighter, including the North American P-51. In combat, the P-47 was an effective air-to-air fighter -- but it was an even more effective air-to-ground weapon.
The much anticipated early models of the P-47 Thunderbolt will be making their way to War Thunder with the upcoming update and we highly encourage all pilots to give the new warbirds some flight time. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update “Raining Fire” coming to the game. The P-47 first saw action with the fighter groups of the Eighth Air Force in mid-1943. Dubbed the "Jug" by its pilots, it was either loved or hated. Many American pilots likened the aircraft to flying a bathtub around the sky. Though early models possessed a poor rate of climb and lacked maneuverability, the aircraft proved extremely rugged and. The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, a fighter-bomber aircraft mainly used by the United States Army Air Forces. Vehicles Rank III P-47D (Germany captured USA aircraft) P-47D-22 RE Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Mk.1 (USA lend-lease aircraft to UK) P-47D-25 Thunderbolt P-47D-27 (USA lend-lease aircraft to USSR) P-47D-28 Thunderbolt P-47 Aces is an arcade-only game that was developed and published by the same organizations for Mega System 32 in 1995. It has the same concept but has some differences in gameplay. This time, the player gets to select four different airplanes with their own unique abilities.
The P-47 Thunderbolt (also called The Jug) was a fighter aircraft made by Republic Aviation.It first flew in 1941, and was introduced in 1942. It had a very big Pratt and Whitney R-2800-59 engine, which had more than 2,000 horsepower.Because of this, the P-47 could go more than 430 miles per hour.In fact, it was the biggest engine ever at the time.